Friday, June 13, 2008

More Pictures... 2

and the zebra is just for you Brent!!

1. Zebra
2. Girraffe
3. Lioness
4. White Rhino
5. Susanne
6. Ashley


Anonymous said...

Great Pictures!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

keep em coming! you know me, L-O-V-E pictures :D give my love to all! saidi

Anonymous said...

Hey Weeze,

Finally getting a moment to check up on you. My forte', you know.

Sounds like everything is going well for you all. What's it like to be the "official tour guide" of sorts. I can imagine it is great to experience the reactions of Meg and Lauren when they see some of these things for the first time.

I'm glad you are doing well and having fun.

I miss you and think about you a lot. Please be safe and know how much I love you.

Just Dad

Amy said...

OK Jill...myspace says you are blogging! WHAT is taking you so long????
I hope you let all know what your favorite juice is!
I will check back later!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jill:
I agree with amy, what's taking so long?????????????
Am anxious to hear from you and Megan again.

Unknown said...

I miss your face!! Big hugges and many kisses! Sammi

Anonymous said...

O.K. Jill, where are you and what are you doing, seems like a long time since we've had a blog, now that I've learned how I want to do it, als check your regular email, I put something there. Hope all is well. Love you, Gma

Anonymous said...

Jill thanks for the GREAT blog at least someone is keeping us informed lol. duane