Monday, July 14, 2008

May I have a sip of your passion....

fruit fruit flavored Fanta soda... said Lauren to Megan... I feel a new pick up line being born!!

Anyways we made it to Dar Es Salaam (Haven of Peace) on the coast of Tanzania. We met a girl from Oklahoma when we got of the bus and we have had a great time hanging out with a fellow mid-westerner! She is an recent graduate and engineer and was volunteering at a medical supply repair place for the last 13 months, she is headed home tomorrow.

We booked out tickets yesterday to head to Mbeya which is a town close to the Malawi border. We leave here tomorrow at 6:00am and will arrive there 12+hrs later. We will stay the night then head for Malawi in the morning. We are meeting Austin and Sarah in Nkhata Bay, staying the night there, then heading on to their sight the next day. I expect that internet will be hard to come by so it may be that you will not hear from us until we start our trek back to Nairobi around the 28th or 29th.

For all who I know are wondering Megan is doing great... I assume she blogs when we use the internet but maybe not...

I love you and will talk to you all soon.

Love, Jill


Anonymous said...

Once again my morning is made perfect with your message.
I was glad to hear that Lauren is back in the fold.
Will the group with Betty continue on with you?
Take Care and will eagerly await your next message.
All my love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jilly,
Miss you...we have a lot to catch up on!!!! I can't wait til you get home...its getting so close!

Anonymous said...

so i've been reading your blogs and now i have a very strong urge to visit africa! honeymoon maybe? i can't WAIT for you to get back! by then i will finally not be working overnights anymore so we can actually hang out:) have fun and be safe. tell megan and lauren i say hi too!

Anonymous said...

where is our new post?
I'm getting impatient.
You are coming home soon :)
