Hello from Lamu!!
We arrived here on Monday afternoon after 17 hours in buses traveling from Nairobi to Mombassa then Mombassa to here!
There has been much good news and much bad news related to the much publicized post-election violence during our travels in Kenya. Sadly there are almost no travelers in Kenya at this time meaning that an economy that relies heavily on tourism is having a hard time. Good news is that accomodations here in Lamu at a very reduced price! We are staying in a 3 level house with 2 bedrooms, 7 or 8 beds, 2 bathrooms, and a kitchen, all for US$12 per night... not so bad, in fact nicer than what I have at home :)
As some of you may know I have a very good friend from Lamu, Captain Simba, who has been a
great guide and an even better friend. Because he is truly the best dhow (Lamu boats) captain in the WORLD he has landed a job as the sole captain of a US$100,000 boat that takes rich people around on the costs of Kenya and Tanzania!! So I likely won't be able to see him but I spoke to him on the phone and am very very happy that he landed the coolest job I have ever heard of!! Good news is that his boat and some of the crew are still here so we took our first dhow trip yesterday with Mchezani and some of the guys. It was just as good as I remember and Simba certainly trained his new captain well. We also got to see a football (soccer) game yesterday where the fisherman/beach boys were successful in advancing to the finals of the islands soccer league tournament!! The final is tomorrow so I will let you know how it goes.
I think I will get some pics up so I hope you enjoy!
Things that HAVE NOT changed in Lamu...
The number of donkeys (still around 6,000)
The taste of the juice... amazing
The pace of life... pole, pole (slowly, slowly)
The taste of seawater
Things that HAVE changed...
There is a stupid motorbike that goes up and down the seafront... life without engines is better!
More cellphones
No Simba :(
I live in a sweet house :)
So question for today... since Megan isn't blogging...
What is my favorite flavor combination for juice?
A) Pineapple, Mango
B) Mango, Passion, Lime
C) Banana, Chocolate
D) Avacado, and only avacado
Where do you get the best juice in the world?
A) The Hapa Hapa
B) The Hapa Hapa
C) The Hapa Hapa
D) The Hapa Hapa
The question noone wants to answer but everyone is thinking.... Am I losing weight??
Talk to you soon, Jill

1. Sweet Vulture Picture
2. Elephant
3. Fencing
4. Esther, Teacher at the Special Unit
5. Mom Joe, Joyce (my new mom), Alice
6. Mchizani on the Themani!!!
i thought you would enjoy this...
i didn't sign my name above but this is grant..
your computer is doing fine. i haven't got to use it to much yet because of work but when i do use it i enjoy it and will have to get one i think. pictures look awesome. watch out for hippos, they do attack despite what people say.
my answers are A C YES.
hiya honey! i am so happy to hear that you are having only the best time ever :) who cares if you loose weight or not (and no, not everybody is wondering:P) we all love you just the way you are! and we miss you too! give our love to everyone! saidi
The Happa Happa!!! Oh, how jealous I am! Even though I get experience TAB again (soon!), sadly I will not get to introduce Ben to the loveliness that is a drink from the Happa Happa. Does it still take as long to get your order? Even it it does, I'm sure it's still worth the wait. So glad to hear that all is going well & reading your posts makes me more & more excited for next month. Now if only my passport would return from the Tanz embassy!
Much love & watch the donkeys,
HI Jill...ok I am not going to look at the other answers! I am guessing on #1 it is 2--and #2 must be all of the above and YES I am sure you are loosing weight!!!
sounds like it is a wonderful place! I bet the showers were a big hit!!!!! Amy
I can't believe that I lost of my streak of first blog. Guess it was bound to happen sometime.
Sounds like you are enjoying yourself in Lamu. Bet it feels almost like home :-) I know that you were not referring to Walton, when talking about the great place that you are staying in.
I'm sure that you were disapponted in not being able to see Simba, but at least the boat trip was good.
Had another stormy night last night, we spent about an hour in the basement. Dad had to work alnight, as there were flood warnings in the county.
I will go with B on question #1, and as far as the weight, I know what happened the last time in Lamu, so I will say yes, that is your little slice of heaven here on earth.
So enjoyed the pictures, and hearing from you.
I love you so very much Jill!
Now and Forever,
hey jill! your trip looks so amazing. i hope you are enjoying every second of it. cant wait to hear more. love ya and be well.
p s i want to see a pic of a zebra soon
Hey JillLouise, good to hear from you. Great pictures, glad you mastered the art of downloading, I knew you could do it. We spent last night in the basement (again). Grandpa always grabs the comfortable chair so I grabbed pillows and blankets and sat on the floor. Not too bad, Sadie and I were pacing most of the time anyway. I hope that's the end of them. Watch out for the "juice." Love you lots, think about you often every day. Stay safe. Gma and Gpa
House...check! New PIN number...no check :(
Hey sister!!! I just got back from Memphis and had SO MUCH FUN. I think I found my calling- serving the children of St. Jude! I love the giraffe pictures, they are my favorite. Summer is going so fast, I can't wait for you to come home and tell us all about it. I love ya!
ok so here's me at work bawling cuz first i saw a giraffe and then i saw "lamu" then most of all i saw "mchezani"... please please pass along my deepest love to him and all the rest of "my" old crew!! also pass along my love to the hapa hapa folks and eat some passion fruits for me and climb the sand mountains for me... i could go on and on (and probably will later) but i'm so so glad you get to be there and will stop crying soon :)
is the disco still there? hope you rock it out for old time's sake at least!
miss you lots and know i am thinking of you every single day :)
YAY for you spreading peace and love in the tiniest most beloved place in the world!!!
i'll shoot you a real email soon
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