Thursday, December 3, 2009


When Kristal, Anna, and I made stepped out of the Nairobi airport into the warm Kenyan air last night I had that comfortable feeling of home that never fails to make me stop and think about just how lucky I am!

After 18+ hours of flying and 6+ hours of airport we were very happy to see the smiling face of one of my all-time favorite people... Isaac Kinyanjui! There is no better ambassador for Kenyan culture and general awesomeness than Isaac and he was offering wonderful insights about the people, places, and things around us before we even left the airport parking lot.

Before I get to far ahead of myself I want to share a few fun tidbits from the travel portion of this adventure:
1. There were 4 groups of people traveling from Omaha, NE to Nairobi, Kenya with us... Nebraskans love Kenya, and I think the feeling is mutual!
2. One of the groups of people traveling with us was a young couple with two small children. The parents are going to be teaching and working as a nurse in Kenya for two years, the kids are going to have an amazing childhood. I cannot imagine making what it is like to travel with two small children. We affectionately referred to them as Team Family and even today I am curious about how they are doing!
3. There was a family on the second and third flights that made team family's job look EASY. This family had a mom, a dad, and 7.5 children (7 kids under the age of 12 and one on the way). Team Super Family as they are now known made me want to cry with exhaustion... I imagine the parents still haven't had much sleep!

There were no issues with the flights... there was also no sleep on the flights... so Team Tired was ready for bed! We checked into the Upperhill Campsite and Backpackers, spent some time chatting with Isaac, showered, and went straight to bed.

At 3am the following conversation occurred...
Kristal leaned down from the top bunk and whispered... "Hey do you see the animals in here..."

Jill: "No... what animals?"
K: "On the top bunk by the window... it is a cat and a rabbit..."
J: "I think they is just something on the bed that looks like an
K: "But it moves!"

I was not really sure how to respond at that point so I just quietly watched the cat and rabbit on the bed, and after a few minutes to ensure they didn't move I was satisfied that it was in fact just some of Anna's stuff, that looked incredibly like a cat and a rabbit?!?!

In the morning I asked Kristal if she remembered the cat and rabbit and she informed me that yes she did remember but it was not a separate cat and rabbit that she had seen but some amazing mix of cat and rabbit... a crabbit if you will... and she said she would take a picture of the next crabbit she sees, just to prove they do exist! This is what happens when people do not sleep for 36 hours!

Alright... off to find some food! And for anyone who is worried... no we are not going crazy... just having a damn good time!

First things first!

Soooooooo I am no longer in Arusha,Tanzania, but I am back in Africa! Lauren, Megan and I did make it home safe and very happy last summer... just never got around to making it blog-fficial!